CSTA prides itself in promoting equitable access to the CSTA Annual Conference, our premier professional learning program for K-12 CS teachers, by offering scholarships that subsidize 100% of the program cost. These scholarships are intended to support teachers whose limited financial resources may prevent them from attending.
Our goal is to support as many teachers as possible. We currently have funding available for 325 scholarships for U.S. teachers but expect to secure additional funding. We will first prioritize awarding scholarships to: Black teachers and other teachers of color, those who teach marginalized students (BIPOC students, low-income, rural communities), and first-time conference attendees.
If you have a disability or require assistance completing your application, we are happy to help. Please reach out to conference@csteachers.org.
Applications close on April 30, 2021.
Choose the button below for your corresponding application. To apply for a scholarship, you must log in with your CSTA membership credentials. If you're not a member, you can join for free at csteachers.org/join.
To be eligible for scholarships to the 2021 CSTA Conference, you must:
- be a CSTA Basic or CSTA+ member,
- directly teach computer science to K-12 students, and
- not have access to funding from your school or organization to cover conference registration fees.